EngineRoom Gym & Temperature Therapy

Engineroom Gym & Temperature Therapy currently has 2 locations based on the Central Coast and offers both a 24/7 Gym as well as a full recovery facility including: Traditional hot rock saunas, magnesium ice baths & spa, massage chairs & compression boots. Our facility located at 2 Catamaran road Fountaindale also houses a sports masseuse, barber, cafe and outdoor mini basketball court. Our 2nd facility located at 8 Advantage Ave Morisset also offers 24/7 Gym, magnesium ice baths, hot rock saunas, masssage chairs, compression boots and a barber. Sign ups can be done directly from our website with your WHEREFIT discount code and access the the facility is almost instant even outside of staff hours by following the instructions in your sign up email. EngineRoom welcomes the WHEREFIT community and we can’t wait to have you apart of our Gym!

Many thanks
Mat – Founder


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